Sunday, September 22, 2013

I Love Being Your Mother!

I am currently working through The Power of Motherhood by Nancy Campbell. Chapter one she tells us to wake up in the morning and tell our kids how much we love being their mom, even if we don't feel it. And although there are days where I don't feel like I want to be a mom, I always love being "their" mom. I love my kids and how each one has their own distinct personality.

These lonely parenting days are exhausting. Many days I just want to fall into bed, but instead have to sleep squished between two boys, two boys who don't seem to sleep a whole night through. But somehow God has given me the energy to wake up and feed the troops and eventually get school rolling. Only to fall over at noon only to discover that I need to feed them . . . again.

I have been asked many rude questions about why I have so many children, I have been gawked at because I homeschool and told how impossible it would be for them, and I have had so many think supermom thoughts my way because I like to cook from scratch and have an undying love for things homemade. Let me assure you I am not supermom. I jokingly refer to myself that way, but total sarcasm. I have more children because I do enjoy being a mom . . . most of the time. I homeschool because I chose to watch my kids grow and learn and I wanted to learn with them. And I cook from scratch and make homemade goodies because I also need a creative outlet.

So even though I went to bed crying tonight over my inability to calm a fussy child, I will wake up in the morning and say to my children, "I love being your mother."

1 comment:

  1. That was so beautiful. I wish I was just up the street still! You know I would love to help you with that fussy baby:) You're doing a great job, Mama! Even on the hard days, you are the best Mom for the job !
