Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Mixing School and Life

Apparently I am not the only homeschooler out there that is having a hard time balancing school and life. That is how this post has come to be.

Not all moments are that blissful is my house, but we do have a few. I do miss my big cushy chair, but we still enjoy a good book together. It's finding those moments that is getting more and more difficult. (If you notice this blissful moment is back when I only had 4 children.)

I love having a large family and don't regret one moment of it. And to most people's shock, I do want more children. My hard-headed, determined self is gonna find a way to handle all my chaos.

We had much better school days when no one was leaning over my shoulder. I know accountability is a good thing, so I'm not dissing that. But when mama wasn't stressed, the kids weren't stressed and we had much calmer school days.

My other problem is my love of doing and seeing and being. I love being involved in activities, especially when it has to do with my kids. I love leading and teaching. And I love being able to help support my family when the opportunity presents itself.

Every year I start out thinking I will simplify my schedule. I limit myself to this and that. This year I limited myself to Isaiah's Place. Simple enough, right? Well I am also good at creating projects and I have! I love it! But just a couple months in and I am yearning for balance!

I have some great ideas I am going to try over the next few weeks and will be sharing them here if they work! So stay tuned! The Lord has put a few things on my heart and I'm going to listen. 

1 comment:

  1. I can agree! I look forward to reading your posts. I love when you say "And to most people's shock, I do want more children. My hard-headed, determined self is gonna find a way to handle all my chaos" because I AGREE and AM THERE TOO!
