Sunday, October 13, 2013

Life is Never Still

I am always in a constant state of change. And when the change roller coaster climbs up the mountain, I am reminded I'm not as young as I used to be. No, I'm not old. Bouncing back just isn't as . . . well . . . bouncy as it used to be.

For those that have followed our crazy journey (or recently caught up on it during my last post) know that we previously lived in a 5th wheel camper. It seems our path has made a big circle and we are once again moving into a camper!!

There it is. Our new home!

The best part is where we are parking the camper! We are going to be working and living at Isaiah's Place. I am so thankful that God has given us this opportunity to serve and spend this season of life with Diane at IP.

So now for the hard part. The "simplifying". Which means getting rid of stuff and moving the stuff we are keeping. Ugh . . .

And as I struggle to part with things that I have had for a long time or things that I bought but never used or things I just acquired, I have to constantly remind myself to focus on God and the ministry he has trusted me with. How will _________ help me reach my goals for my family? How will _______ glorify God?

Pray with me as we begin this next journey. Pray that we can make wise decision. Pray for guidance. Pray for finances to be there. Pray for the ministry of Isaiah's Place and the deaf population. Pray that we can let go of stuff and grab on to God's vision.


  1. We will be praying for you! I'm excited to read about your journey and know that God has great things for your beautiful family.

  2. Wow, those are good questions to ask in regards to stuff. Moving and living in a camper with 8 people cannot be easy. I will pray that the Lord will help you all to find ways of peace and cooperation. ~C
